‘Where will India’s economic growth settle in the next 2-3 years?’ by ‘Dr. Poonam Gupta’ published in ‘The Economic Times’
A reasonable bet for India’s growth would be about 7% or higher in the next few years. The baseline growth draws upon the average growth rate of about 6.75% in five pre-Covid years. In the near term, monetary and fiscal policies are unlikely to be able to contribute to this growth estimate any more than they have in the past five years.
conomic growth is arguably the best antidote to poverty. Not only does it ensure the material well-being of those who directly participate in economic activity, but it also generates fiscal revenues that allow public policy to benefit those left behind in income and wealth creation.
Read the full article here: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/et-commentary/where-will-indias-economic-growth-settle-in-the-next-2-3-years/articleshow/88326751.cms?from=mdr