We should keep close track of our infrastructure push
By M Suresh Babu:
India’s march towards a $5 trillion economy hinges on infrastructure. A bulk of the discussions on it are centred around two big questions: (a) Is India investing adequately in infrastructure?; and (b) are our investments yielding completed projects on time? The first question has been debated for years and is unlikely to yield conclusive answers, given the dynamic relationship between economic growth and demand for infrastructure. The second must be accorded high priority in an economy striving to make efficient use of the available capital. The timely completion of infra projects requires regular monitoring and time-to-time course corrections. Such monitoring is a regular process that systematically collects data on specified indicators of the extent of progress. This is a demanding task that has been rather neglected in the past, as traditional ‘implementation monitoring’ is primarily concerned with activities, inputs and immediate outputs.
Read the full article here: https://www.livemint.com/opinion/online-views/we-should-keep-close-track-of-our-infrastructure-push-11655916954029.html